Matthew Ovens, James Baglin, Anthony Bedford, Cliff Da Costa and Adrien Schembri
School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences
RMIT University, Australia
SummaryThis was a joint project, initiated by myself and James, aimed at creating a single set of notes for 13 different service courses taught by the authors. Utilising my expertise in LaTeX and beginning from notes I’d already written in LaTeX for similar courses while teaching at Monash, James and I began to draft notes that could be used in our teaching with later content contributions from Anthony, Cliff and Adrien. The notes cover, among other things:
Full citation:
Ovens, M., Baglin, J., Da Costa, C., Bedford, A., & Schembri, A. (2011). Stat-TeX: A Service Course in Statistics. (M. Ovens & J. Baglin, Eds.). RMIT University.
Last updated 29 January 2018