Matthew Ovens
School of Mathematical Sciences
Monash University, Australia
Unpublished: A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science (Honours).
AbstractSince the introduction of One-day International cricket in the 1970s, many aspects of the game have been analysed with varying success. Many sports commentators have discussed at length their views on optimal batting strategies as applied to the One-day form of the game. Mathematicians have also scientifically analysed the game, using simplified models, hoping to quantify optimal strategy (e.g. [8]). This paper discusses issues related to finding an optimal strategy and identifies possible approaches one can use to find such a strategy. |
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Full citation:
Ovens, M. (2006) Optimal Batting Strategies in One-Day Cricket Unpublished Honours Thesis. Monash University.
Last updated 2 November 2024